Monday, April 14, 2008

Delta and Northwest to merge into mega airline

Delta and Northwest Airlines are close to a merger that would create the world's largest airline.

Anonymous sources close to the situation report the lone obstacle holding back the finalizing of the deal is ongoing negotiations with the pilots from both airlines. The Wall Street Journal reported online today that the dispute in negotiations stemmed from Delta working out a deal to give more flexibility to its pilots in a merger.

Northwest Airlines met with its pilots near its Minneapolis headquarters today. The Wall Street Journal reports the Airlines issued a statement today that it would only merge with Delta if it's sure that it's in the best interest of pilots, employees and its customers.

Northwest has lost nearly $1.6 billion in the last ten weeks, according to the Wall Street Journal. It was valued at $4.6 billion, but is now down to $3 million, due to high fuel costs.

Related Links: reports airline stocks are rising as a result of the coming merger.

Here's the story on the Tampa Bay Business Journal

Airline Prices Could be Rising

Meeting Tonight Could Complete the Merger

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